Curriculum Vitae
Molecular biology, Physiology, Morphology, Taxonomy, Community
Ecology, and Macroecology (Global Ecology and Biogeography)
1) Applied studies of Argentine ants using synthetic trail
2) Taxonomy of aculeate wasps and ants in East Asia
3) Measurering and Understanding of biodiversity, especially
Latitudinal gradients of diversity of biota
4) Myrmecophilous animals
He is a lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Kanto-Gakuen University, and so on. He was born in 1958 in Akita City, Japan. His major research interests are phylogenetic systematics of insects, community ecology, macroecology (global ecology and biogeography) and conservation biology. He has described a total of more then 350 valid insect species. He received his Doctor of Science in the phylogenetic study on the bethylid wasps from the University of Tokyo. His books include Identification guide to the Aculeata of the Nansei Islands, Japan (Hokkaido University Press, 1999), Ants of Japan (Gakushu-kenkyu-sha, 2003) and Life sciences –human, nature and evolution- (Daigaku-kyoiku-shippan, 2005), etc. He has also published several popular books and textbooks as a science writer.
寺山 守 Mamoru Terayama
博士学位論文 Doctoral dissertation (The University of Tokyo)
Phylogenetic Systematics of Bethylidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), with a Taxonomic Revision of the Japanese Species and Descriptions of New Taxa from Asia, Australia, South America and Africa. vi + 692 pp.(英文)(アリガタバチ科(膜翅目,セイボウ上科)の系統分類及び日本産アリガタバチ類の総括とアジア,オーストラリア,南米,アフリカ産種の記載).vi + 692 pp. 東京大学大学院理学系研究科(生物科学)
研究の目標 Overall Aim
Understanding of the biodiversity and community biota
研究推進のためのツール Expertise/tools
Molecular biology, Physiology, Morphology, Taxonomy, Community Ecology, and Macroecology (Global Ecology and Biogeography)
最近の興味分野 Current interests
1) Applied studies of Argentine ants using synthetic trail pheromone
2) Taxonomy of aculeate wasps and ants in East Asia
3) Measurering and Understanding of biodiversity, especially
Latitudinal gradients of diversity of biota
4) Myrmecophilous animals
教歴 Educational positions
関東学園大学法学部,経済学部(生物学A,生物学B,生物学C;生命科学A, 生命科学B)
学会役員等 Editorial and society positions
日本生物地理学会評議員(1992.4- )
日本蟻類研究会幹事 (1995.4- )
日本蟻類研究会編集委員 & 委員長 (1993.4-1995.3; 2006.4- )
日本学術会議第6部自然保護研究連絡委員会委員(1994.9-1997.8; 2000.9-
国土交通省河川水辺の国勢調査評価対象タクサ委員会専門委員 (2003.4-2005.3)
国土交通省ダム水源地調査評価対象タクサ委員会専門委員 (2003.4-2005.3)
環境省アルゼンチンアリ防除モデル事業専門委員 (2007.4-2009.4)
(株)アジア・コンサルタンツ 学術顧問・自然誌研究年報編集委員 (1996-2000)
学会賞 Award
1993年4月 1992年度日本生物地理学会学会賞授賞
(授賞論文”東アジアにおけるアリ類の群集構造 I.地域性および
多様性. 日本生物地理学会会報,47(1): 1-31.”)
学術論文 Scientific papers
Entomological Science, Zoological Science, Species Diversity, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, Biogeography, Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, Proceedings of the Japanese Society of the Systematic Zoology, Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan, New Entomologist, Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society, House and Household Insect Pest (H.H.I.P.), Edaphologia, Rostria
Sociobiology(米国),Journal of Entomological Science(米国), Florida Entomologist(米国), Journal of New York Entomological Society(米国),Oriental Insects(米国),Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie(法国), Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturalles de Belgique(ベルギー),Australian Journal of Entomology(オーストラリア), Chinese Journal of Entomology(台湾),Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica(中国),Entomotaxonomia(中国),Acta Entomologica Sinica(中国)
Systematic Entomology,Naturwissenschaften, Insectes Sociaux, Biological Invasions, Zootaxa, Journal of Economic Entomology, Pest Management Science, Journal of Natural History
I. 原著論文 162点
II. 著書 48点
III. 総説 3点
IV. その他
(1)研究・調査報告書 39点
(2)短報・月刊誌・研究会誌等 175点
(3)一般著述・書評等 61点
(4−1)学会発表(国内) 84点
(4−2)学会発表(台湾) 4点
(5)国際学会発表 19点
(6)翻訳 3点
(7)データベース 6点
合計 600点